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60 pilots from all over Europe came to Brussels on 24th February to attend the ECA "Technical Day". This TECH DAY aimed to inspire new pilot experts to become active in technical safety issues at ECA and the EU Institutions' level. It turned out to be a great success. Brussels – the Capital of European decision-making – provided an excellent setting for what would become an inspiring event. Pilots were briefed on the functioning of the EU Institutions and how ECA and - more importantly – how pilots can actively contribute to shaping European safety legislation. Several workshops were organised on accident investigation, pilot training, security, air traffic management and airports. Interactive presentations by some of our top experts induced interesting discussions. The enthusiasm of our presenters and the commitment of their Associations to make them available for ECA work provided for a showcase of pilot achievements in what is often seen as a complex European world. The following day, IFALPA organised a "Safety Day". Again, world-renowned experts made presentations on accident analysis and prevention. Not only did the content of the presentations seamlessly complement the preceding TECH DAY, but the combined effort showed how ECA and IFALPA jointly work towards the same goals building on each other's strength. The real benefit of the TECH DAY is not measured by number of attendees alone. When new experts volunteer to take up responsibilities, be it in internal ECA meetings or as external representatives, the day will have demonstrated its true purpose! So let the TECH and Safety Days inspire you to become part of the Tech Team and join ECA and IFALPA to make the pilot's voice heard at EU and international level!