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Training, Licensing & Operations

The TLO WG was created in February 2007 in order to deal with the upcoming rulemakings on FCL and OPS. Eventually, with the adoption of the new EASA Opinions Part-FCL and Part-OPS, the focus of the TLO has become much wider. Currently, EASA is in the process of a major review of pilot training rules, with potentially significant impacts on the future pilot community. Pilot training has been therefore a main working item for the TLO WG in the last two years.  For more information on the aims and tasks of the WG, please read its Terms of reference.

Main issues:

The TLO covers a very wide scope of issues ranging from licensing issues (incl. MPL), operations, design, authority and organisation requirements, cabin air quality (overseeing the current ECA Cabin Air Quality Task Force), cosmic radiation, medical issues and much more. One could look at TLO as a combination of the IFALPA HUPER and ADO committee.

With EASA as its main counterparty, TLO keeps a close eye on the main EASA meetings which are all attended by ECA representatives (i.e. EASA Stakeholders Advisory Body (SAB), Sub-SABsetc.) and the TLO also discusses the main issues resulting from various rulemaking tasks where we are represented. It is also through the TLO that comments are made on the relevant new or revised rules (NPAs).

Members & Meetings

WE NEED YOU! As the scope is vast, there is a lot of work to do and we have only a few pilots who are very active. If you have not yet done so, please identify a pilot in your MA who has got an expertise in the field of training, licensing or operations, and send him as your MA representative to our meetings.

Javier Martín-Chico
Santiago Benitez Troya
Executive Board Director
Tanja Harter
Staff member
Paulina Marcickiewicz
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