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The European Cockpit Association (ECA), representing over 38.200 pilots from 36 European countries, shares the Italian Pilot Associations' (ANPAC/UP) concerns over the decisions being made as part of the sale of Alitalia to the C.A.I. consortium.
  • ECA strongly supports ANPAC's call for separate Airline Pilot representation to protect the professional independence of those who have the safety of the passengers and crew directly in their hands.
  • ECA strongly supports ANPAC's call for the authoritarian tactics of police interference in the safety decision-making on the flight deck to stop immediately.
  • ECA is very concerned about the disciplinary measure against 9 Captains exercising their authority and responsibility as the last safety barrier in the accident chain.
  • ECA is astonished by the silence from the Italian Civil Aviation Authority (ENAC), led by Capt. Silvano Manera, which should protect crew and passengers in such unstable times and urges immediate actions to restore normal and safe working conditions.
  • ECA declares support for their Italian colleagues during this long, stressful period and urges all Alitalia pilots to stand together to defend their dignity and professional status.
  • ECA supports ANPAC's call for the C.A.I. proposed business plan to be tested against industry standards. No other airline in Europe is successfully flying as many aircraft with as few crew, or at the level of productivity imagined by C.A.I. management.
ECA fears for the future of a great European Airline – once the pride of a great European Nation - if the root causes of the problems of Alitalia are allowed to persist through the sale. Pilots are ready to support the survival of their company but will not accept unrealistic plans that would undermine safety or demand impossible levels of aircraft utilisation. Political interference has forced this once iconic airline to its knees. Only competent, professional airline management, free from the political and media interference which has characterised the sale, will be able to take Alitalia again to the top of the aviation industry. Download ECA Press Release (PDF)